Why I started creating
A little about me and why I started creating again.
Hi new friends! Just wanted to share a quick little memo about myself and something fun that moved me to where I am in my life and as an artist.
I married by handsome husband July 1st 2011. He has been and continues to be my biggest supporter. I am a nurse, I love my career but have always and a burning desire to create art. Through-out our marriage I constantly expressed to him how much I loved art and wished that I had completed my art degree. I took a couple of painting classes in college but never was able to continue. Because of that, at times I feel so inadequate in the art world. I couldn't seem to pick up my brushes for a long time. Back to that amazing man of mine. For my birthday May (Taurus) 2015 he came home with canvases, paints, brushes and the biggest smile on his face. He said, "Now that you have all updated supplies you have no excuses!" Rodger that babe! (mind you I have been transporting 2 boxes full of art supplies I have collected from college and my grandmother)....
So starts my first year of committing to paint. I started off a little shaky as anyone does when they are trying to find their voice. Started posting a few things here and there on my Instagram. All of my friends and family were instantly supportive! I did the 100 days of painting with the Do it for the process peeps. It was so inspirational! I was instantly supported and felt loved by the creative community. I found my art taking a back seat when we moved and then had become pregnant, new job etc...life...
Fast forward to March of 2017. I completely committed to making my art. Created an instagram, started posting, started painting, painting, and more painting. Some of it was crap some I felt so good about! Again I have been instantly supported, made new friends and have just about found my voice as an artist! I was scouted for the Raw Artists show for SLC. I absolutely loved being involved with other creatives! I even made a new friend, whom I ablsolutely adore. Now it has been officially 6 months of my continued creative movement, and I am so thankful for all of the love and support that I have received. I have my second art show coming up in September at an amazing climbing gym if you can believe it! I love functioning out of the mainstream media realm. My goal has always been to get my art out there for people to experience and find a love for. Cheers for finding that movement voice of mine! I hope you find yours!
XX Savanna